before you follow - read pls!

  • i talk a lot about zelda so be prepared

  • i don't curse on main too much, and everything will be pretty Sfw!

  • i enjoy zelda theory, so you'll see some of that too!

  • im not super active, so if we're moots and dm-ing, if my responses aren't super consistent, I'm sorry :,(

  • i mainly ship zelink, but imo zelda's also into women!

  • i might post light sketches, some fanart, and in-game screenshots from time to time!

  • i'm a bit sarcastic, but try my best to use tone indicators!!

do not interact if you heavily oppose anything above, or if you...

  • are racist, homophobic, sexist, etc! i have no tolerance for any of that!

  • hate on my interests, or anybody else's

  • are someone who causes excess drama on purpose

  • are under 14 or older than 21 (current moots ok!)

  • aren't okay with retweets

( made with carrd )